Friday, October 7, 2011

Kisi2 mid semester 1
1. exclamation utterance (ungkapan kagum/memuji): (materi tambahan)
Utterance: response:
What a nice dress! (betapa indah gaunnya!) Thank you
What a beautiful country! (indah negara in!) Yes. It is
How big it is! (betapa besar hal ini!) I have no doubt about it
Such a nice bag! (betapa indah tas ini!) Thank you.
2. offering help and asking help! (materi tambahan)
Offering help (menawarkan bantuan): response:
Do you need some help? (apakah kamu butuh bantuan?) oh, thank you very much
May i help you? (bolehkah saya membantumu?) yes, please
Do you like me to help? (apakah butuh bantuanku?) it’s very kind of you
Asking help (meminta bantuan) response:
Can you help me?( bbisakah kau membantuku?) yes, sure
Would you like to help me, please!(bisakah membantuku?) yes, no,problem
Do you mind helping me? (apakah kamu keberatan membantuku? I’m sorry, i can’t

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